Player starts out with some amount of fuel and life support. If they get their ship to a planet, their ship 'refuels' and they are back to full fuel and life support, otherwise these values are drained as they are used (life support should be a constant drain unless they are in within 100 of a planet.)
right now life support is never draining, and i have NO IDEA why. here is my code.
var force = 3.0;
private var targetPosition:Vector3;
private var velocity =;
public static var fuel = 300.0f;
public static var lifeSupport = 1000.0f;
private var lifeSupportResetDistance = 100.0f;
private var one = (GameObject.Find ("Planet_1"));
private var two = (GameObject.Find ("Planet_2"));
private var three = (GameObject.Find ("Planet_3"));
private var four = (GameObject.Find ("Planet_4"));
private var planets = new Array();
private static var refueling : boolean;
function Start () {
planets[0] = one;
planets[1] = two;
planets[2] = three;
planets[3] = four;
refueling = false;
function Update () {
refueling = false;
if(lifeSupport == 0.0f)
//ur dead
if(lifeSupport > 0.0f){
if(fuel > 0.0f){
var pos = Input.mousePosition;
pos.z = Camera.main.transform.position.y;
pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
var targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(pos - transform.position);
velocity += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * force;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
//alter 70.5 to change speed
transform.position += velocity * Time.deltaTime * 70.5;
for (var i = 0; i < planets.length; ++i)
if((Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance (transform.position, planets[i].transform.position))) <= lifeSupportResetDistance)
refueling = true;
if(refueling == true){
fuel = 150.0f;
lifeSupport = 500.0f;
} else {
refueling = false;
this is in javascript. If some one could help me tweak this code to get the desired result (life support drains unless player is near a planet object) or at least point out what ive done wrong then that would be fantastic!